Chad Williams Brad Frere Scott Gordon Curtis Russell Andy Rivet Brent Morley Darcy Steve Korniat

Radium Springs Course (Link)
Radium British Columbia

Notable Moments
Eagle Ranch Golf Course (Link)
Invermere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Balls galore were had in the gorge on number 18. The first group got a lot of golf balls as well.
Riverside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
Mountainside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Scott and Curtis met thier old nemisis the marshal who kicked them off the course last time for playing more holes than they paid for. Due to thier weight gain though, they were both unrecognizable. Thier unhealthy habits have paid off!
  • Brad drank, then golfed like he was drinking.
  • Contrary to the numerous releases signed before a golf match, golf carts can take an amazing amount of abuse and still run just fine.
Greywolf Golf Course (Link)
Panorama Mountain Village British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Andy Rivet got mad, madder than we've ever seen him...and he broke a club, opening a foot long* gash on Brad's ankle.
    *may be exagerated by a foot
  • Scott's expletitives kept the groups entertained.
  • Tee placements seemed odd on the back nine for the last 4some...must have been a clerical error.
  • Brent Morley's driving of the golf cart was beyond reproach. Was he golfing too?
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2 stroke penalty for learning from Steve's putt
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Always bringing up the rear
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A long way down
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Banana Chad, where did you get that shirt
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Brent Morley, fine form
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Chads Bed
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Chad pounding
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Chad wrapping it around a tree
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Coys Night Out
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Coys Night Out 2
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Eagle Ranch beware
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Eye on the ball
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Fireworks, the neighbors enjoy us
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Just a great shot, the picture, not the golf shot
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The Group
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The no look shot