Chad Williams Brad Frere Scott Gordon Andy Rivet Curtis Russell Jason Walker

The Ridge at CopperPoint (Link)
Invemere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • First course of the trip, happy faces all around...for the moment.
  • Andy thought it would be funny to revert to a 3 year old and scare Scott and Brad, granted Scott did scream quite loud and I think thats what more caused Brad to reach out for protection from Scott.
  • Curtis lost his sandals.
  • Brad remarked that it was possible to hit over the only water on the course onto the previous hole's fairway, then both him and Scott proved it. Jason was astounded, true heros in his eyes.
  • Day 7 Pokemon spin for Brad - didn't take any ribbing from anyone because that's an awesome game and everyone loves it.
  • Jason's borrowed driver works wonders for his game! (maybe?)
Fairmont Hot Springs Creekside Executive Par 3 (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • We walked this course, all 9 of the par 1 or 2 extra holes because we are all terrible at putting.
CopperPoint Golf Course (Link)
Invemere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • We showed up at the course, Curtis's cart remained in the middle of the parking lot, untouched, the staff too afraid to approach the cart with the demonic, evil smelling sandals.
  • After the evening's CRUD moments, it was nice to see the group relativley injury free. Curtis did make this awesome diving shot hurting his knee a bit but it showed his true dedication to the sport - TSN turning point.
  • Some mom was breast feeding at the driving range - that was pretty cool - remarked Scott.
Riverside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Thunder, lightning, rain, wind, none of these things on the last few holes could improve any of our scores.
  • Day Drunk Curtis!
  • The power went out at the cabin in the evening, Scott and Curtis went quiet...a little too quiet.
Eagle Ranch Golf Course (Link)
Invermere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • We had a "wonderful" greeting from the pro-shop staff. So "wonderful" we left 6 well crafted comment cards - honestly the course was great except for that introduction.
  • Group 1 finished about 45 minutes ahead of group 2...just saying...which actually says a lot cause come on! Seriously...Andy got to go through his golf bag and clean it out which was good, Brad cleaned out some of the pine needles from his truck, Chad did some much needed internet surfing...I guess it wasn't so bad...
Mountainside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Team "The Staff" vs. Team...uh...throw your clubs, swear a lot...etc?
  • We did not pay for carts, it was awesome. Highlight of the trip right there...we each saved 15 dollars. 15 dollars! We aren't so good at math but I think this practically pays for the trip itself.
  • Some tense moments looking for Scott's club in the long grass...
  • Andy's back held up this year so he was able to play this course!
Greywolf Golf Course (Link)
Panorama Mountain Village British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Curtis saw a snake!
  • Scott shot a forgettable 77.
  • No Sandwiches at the half way point, Brad, Jason and Curtis barely made it through this round...scurvy setting in. We missed the sandwiches by about 5 minutes.
Windermere Valley Golf Course (Link)
Windermere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Again, Team "The Staff" vs. Team...uh...throw your clubs, swear a lot...etc?
  • Another impromptu golf course not on the original trip plan because fuck it we are so awesome the course just invites us to come play. follow up questions please.
  • 3 vs. 3 winners take all best ball! The teams were set! The tension was high! After last year's 5 dollar pay was mentioned that we should up the stakes to $5.25 but no money was exchanged.
  • Brad borrowed a new putter to try did nothing.
  • Always impressed at the number of shots used by all the players...especially Chad's...he's good at this game.
  • Everyone is now well practiced at using drivers off the tee on par 3s.
Radium Resort Course (Link)
Radium British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Chad and Brad were given a bum cart which was promptly returned. (either that or we gained a lot of weight on this trip and the motor could not keep up...either story works)
  • Scott...not so much a good round on this one.
Radium Springs Course (Link)
Radium British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Last day, last round, hot weather...lets get this done!
  • We found Bambi, lazy mother was over on hole 15 sitting in some flowers.
  • No half way snack shack, no beer cart...they were lucky the seats on the carts were extra plush!
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Andy has a very angry singing voice, this is how he prepares for Karaoke
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Even though the loft looks low, he put it on the green! (7 shots later)
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How many Jason's fit in the back of a Mazda 3 One, the answer is one
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Intensity! Five minutes later
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Team Fun
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Team The Staff
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The Group and Jason looks like a pirate and Curtis is the wolfman
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The Group on the last day, still smiling, we are such troopers
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This selfie culture is sickening
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