Chad Williams Brad Frere Dax A Million Scott Gordon Jon Letkeman Jason Decker Andy Rivet

Lee Creek Valley Golf Course (Link)
Cardston Alberta

Notable Moments
  • Scott was demoted to a pink ball on number 14 and did surprisingly well...a little too well.
  • We saw a grizzly on the Highway to the Sun, we were talking Joe down until 2 am.
  • The language displayed by some of our participants was so bad at dinner, the waitress served a jug of beer with soap in it.
  • While Joe and Scott were whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, Brad sunk a nice birdie.
  • I think Andy's on this trip...somewhere?
Whitefish Lake South Course (Link)
Whitefish Montana

Notable Moments
  • Hey Hey everyone, look! Andy showed up!
  • Jon rang the bell (side of the range posts) to start us off!
  • In true lazy fashion, Joe refused to putt more than once on nearly all the holes on the back nine.
  • Scott contacted (contracted) shingles on number 18.
  • To keep out of the impending rain, Joe felt it safe to hit under most large trees on the course.
  • Jon and Andy were laughing at something, it was probably Scott.
  • Scott PROMISED he would talk like Bane all day but he lied, I don't think he did once. He's ruined the trip.
Northern Pines (Big Mountain) Golf Club (Link)
Kalispell Montana

Notable Moments
  • Joe wasn't one putt Joe today, he was just Joe Putz.
  • Dax's score of less than 15 on 15 was a miracle.
  • The greens got faster, and faster and faster and faster and everyone's play got worse and worse and worse and worse. (except for the cheaters)
  • Scott's ageism was showing as he drove upon 4 elderly ladies.
  • k seriously, how old is this group with everyone (except Brad) needing an afternoon nap, I'm done with this. We need to break into a school or steal a cop car or something.
Meadow Lake Golf Course (Link)
Columbia Falls Montana

Notable Moments
  • Hey Dax! How many clubs are left in your bag eh? One less perhaps? (Splash)
  • Now Jon's got a lawsuit on his hands...Brad has a tremendous limp caused by an errant ball. This will impede his stellar programming career!
  • And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting, beside the hole on number 16.
  • Andy, ever the professional, testing the load strength of various deck railings on the course. Sorry resort visitors for ruining your day.
  • The Marshal was scary and creepy and kind of odd. Scott and him have a date!
  • Jon and Brad on number 8, HEY RESORT VISITORS! WAKE THE $&@! UP!
Village Greens Golf Course (Link)
Kalispell Montana

Notable Moments
  • This course was a good look into our future, playing golf at a senior's level, still cracking balls off houses, screaming at each other and shocking other golfers.
  • Most 85 year olds throw clubs in trees right? I believe throwing clubs was the theme for this trip.
The Wilderness Club (Link)
Eureka Montana

Notable Moments
  • Someone placed an explosive device in Scott's bag because there were CLUBS EVERYWHERE on the fairway. Montana's a dangerous place.
  • Don't have a collar on your shirt? Do you need one? Dead serious...yes. See the danger?
  • Clubs breaking mysteriously in Jonnie's bag...DANGER!
  • Really, the fact that we were all on the same course is danger in of itself. GREAT TRIP!
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25 Photos and this was the best one, our professional photographer has been fired
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A tough lie, not for, well, uh, someone else
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Candid Camera!
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Chad's exuberant that this is the last hole
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Chad testing the wind
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Dax thought he saw a ghost and made a valiant effort to kill said ghost
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Do you see how interesting we are, even the staff can't keep thier eyes off us
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Fish Eye View Of Chad Williams, our Oh Henry Rep
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If you don't succeed, try try again
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Joe, entirely too calm about his golf game
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Jon rings the bell to start us off!
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Love on the teebox (Scott and Jon)
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Perfectly clear look at the green
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Picking up our thrown friends
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Purple People Eater
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Scott in his element
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Terrible form
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TSN Turning Point, aim for the tree, you'll never hit it
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Usually he just wears high heels