Andy checking if the coast is clear before heading in | Andy desperately searching for someone to pull his finger | Another perfectly placed water shot | Artistic garbage | A walk to the green with this club invites higher scores | Boxing with Geese, Brent lost | Brent playing from the turtles | Brook! Brook! Brook! Brook! | Brook playing from the green tees |
Heavy haulin over the mountains | Heavy hitter, due to weight | Legs together, prim and proper | Meals fit for a king, very poor kings | One beer, and done | Plotting something, no one smiles when you are playing this bad | Poker Night | Shank it left, shank it right, the pose is always the same | Super flex mighty swing! |
Synchronized golfing, lame | The group at Cardston | The group at Whitefish | This hole is much further than it needed to be | This picture needs lightning bolts! | This rain cooled nothing off | Wow thats a shit shot Chad did, he should practice | Wrong! | You have selected POWER DRIVE! |