Chad Williams Brad Frere Scott Gordon Andy Rivet Dax A Million Brook Macmahon Jon Letkeman Brent Lauinger

Lee Creek Valley Golf Course (Link)
Cardston Alberta

Notable Moments
  • Chad, Jon and Dax had nothing happen, nothing, nothing at all. Not one thing...they were really quiet about their round. It was kind of creepy and gross.
  • Scott shot sub bogey golf!
  • The tour guide on the first hole was very, very, very, very, very thorough.
  • There was a "finicky" par 3.
  • There were no hotdogs, anything phallic has been removed from the town of Cardston.
  • Brook made it through customs, even though we gave him away as being an illegal alien from one of the "stans".
  • Scott is good at the Javelin throw when using the navigation system for the most direct route to the condo. To get through the road, just un-log the gate.
Northern Pines (Big Mountain) Golf Club (Link)
Kalispell Montana

Notable Moments
  • "If you didn't get a 15 on hole number 15, you just weren't trying..." Dax
  • Shots of baileys in morning coffee are not allowed, you must buy the whole bottle.
  • Brook drained a 40 ft put for par. ( or 60 or 100 ft, there was a lot of speculation. Perhaps he should learn to hit it closer.)
  • Scott's purchase of lemonade led to a shouting match with the grade school vendors when it became clear that it did not come with a shot of vodka.
  • Jon got his money's worth on the course.
Buffalo Hill Golf Club (Link)
Kalispell Montana

Notable Moments
  • Ladies stroking weapons in their front seat should not be all. Montana's great!*
  • Parking lot shots are great!*
  • 15$ club head covers are totally worth scaling a chain link fence topped by barbed wire. 15$! They don't just give those things away you know! They're great!*
  • Abandon ship! Scott and Jon's cart back fired causing pandemonium leading to a race to catch the cart, that's great!*
  • Plastic chairs do have a life span, some shorter than others when Brent is hitting a drive from the rough. Great shot!*
  • 8 beer for $10.50. That’s great!
  • Brook got a 43 on the front, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43! That’s great!
  • * no, these weren't so great
Whitefish Lake North Course (Link)
Whitefish Montana

Notable Moments
  • Chad got a good tee shot from Jon on film! (yet to be confirmed)
  • Andy and Scott made a big purchase of 2$ clubs as last ditch efforts to turn things around.
  • Chad had about 17 birdie puts. The number he landed is Andy's IQ, zero.
  • Brent nailed the no carts sign, which also doubled as a no balls sign at that point.
  • Alzhiemers is setting into the group again with numerous clubs being lost, reclaimed and lost again.
Buffalo Hill Golf Club - Cameron Course (Link)
Kalispell Montana

Notable Moments
  • The battle lines were drawn, Jon and Andy vs. Scott and Dax vs. Brent and Brook vs. Chad and Brad
  • After that it was pretty ho hum with each team winning a pretty even number of skins
  • Long birdie and par puts sinking by Jon (the big U shaped put on 8), Brad and Chad
The Wilderness Club (Link)
Eureka Montana

Notable Moments
  • Number 17 and 18 were playing super long...for one of the groups anyways.
  • The cool people scored 91 (Jon and Brad)
  • Lots of wildlife on the course including turtles which by some miracle, did not get hit by balls flying into thier habitat
  • Scott's awesome beer can shot to put him on the green on a par 3 on the back.
  • It was a good thing both groups brought beer from the condo as there was nothing to purchase on the course, cause sometimes resorts just run out of these things.
  • Dax was the king of the duffers, totally out duffing two other duffs to take home the duffing championship!
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Andy checking if the coast is clear before heading in
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Andy desperately searching for someone to pull his finger
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Another perfectly placed water shot
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Artistic garbage
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A walk to the green with this club invites higher scores
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Boxing with Geese, Brent lost
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Brent playing from the turtles
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Brook! Brook! Brook! Brook!
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Brook playing from the green tees
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Heavy haulin over the mountains
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Heavy hitter, due to weight
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Legs together, prim and proper
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Meals fit for a king, very poor kings
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One beer, and done
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Plotting something, no one smiles when you are playing this bad
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Poker Night
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Shank it left, shank it right, the pose is always the same
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Super flex mighty swing!
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Synchronized golfing, lame
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The group at Cardston
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The group at Whitefish
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This hole is much further than it needed to be
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This picture needs lightning bolts!
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This rain cooled nothing off
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Wow thats a shit shot Chad did, he should practice
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You have selected POWER DRIVE!