Chad Williams Brad Frere Scott Gordon Steve Korniat Brent Morley Andy Rivet Sheldon Mackarenko

St. Eugene Mission Golf Course (Link)
Cranbrook British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Scott, Chad, Steve and Brent arrived at the course way too early and were bored to tears. Andy and Brad showed up just in time after a leisurely lunch in Sparwood, 1 minute before the tee time which was much prudent.
  • Andy complained alot that he didn't get time to warm up. No one likes Andy.
  • It was Brent's Birthday! Though due to his lackluster golf score, giving him the birthday bumps afterwards just seemed mean and improper.
  • Brent, while having a bad game ruined other peoples games as well with his insessant blabbering.
  • Scott set a new record for a club toss. Kudos to Scott.
  • Brent also remembers his hotdog. Apparently he likes phallic things.
Radium Springs Course (Link)
Radium British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Brent's 3 some was joined with another Brent. Confusion was abound with all commenting on the good play of Brent. All lamented on missing our trip with Bob Barker.
  • Today we were joined by Sheldon. Sheldon golfed well. This will be Sheldon's last invite.
  • Scott hitting into, and getting stuck in a chain link fence prompts the need for more chain link fence practice shots in his Golf training.
  • A big horn sheep was on the course today. Scott protected himself by putting Chad between him and the Sheep.
  • Brent needed time alone with his hotdog. Things are getting scary.
Eagle Ranch Golf Course (Link)
Invermere British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Windy, oh so windy.
  • Good shots were a plenty today...but not in either of our groups.
  • Brad started with a birdy so there was no where to go but bad from there on in.
  • Brent couldn't take it anymore, took all his hotdogs and went back to Calgary.
Riverside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Started in the rain, turned out to be an awesome day.
  • Lots of of salmon in the river around the course, lots of Andy's balls as well.
  • Chad loves to take videos from the green, so it was nice to let him bugger off for us to get a break from him.
  • On number 12, 3 of us purposefully hit to the chain link fence so we could try a shot like Scott the other day, and if anyone tells you different, they are lying.
Mountainside Golf Course (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • Andy hit a house, Scott hit one too, Andy's was louder, he wins.
  • Chad dislikes this course and decided not to play well in protest.
  • Andy threw a club at Scott narrowly missing him. It was an "accident".
Fairmont Hot Springs Creekside Executive Par 3 (Link)
Fairmont Hot Springs British Columbia

Notable Moments
  • The big winner was Chad, winning 5 holes, Scott with 3 and Andy with 1. So even though Brad came up with the idea, he didn't win and everyone can just go %^#@ themselves.
Kananaskis Country Golf Course, Mt. Lorrette (Link)
Kananaskis Alberta

Notable Moments
  • Another course, really? REALLY?
  • Arriving 2 minutes before a tee time seemed to be the norm for this trip.
  • Andy smacked the Marshal from about 250 out, nailed it off the cart.
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Andy discussing his golf movie idea
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A lesson in cart repair
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Brent and Steve alone on the white tee box, good for them!
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Hanging low
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Its all in the hips
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Red Shirt just like Tiger Woods and the similarities stop there
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Ruining a beautiful hole with a terrible shot
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Sheldon Super Power Golf Magic!
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St Eugene and Steve, holy swing
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The Group
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What the hell is this